Joy of Moving Home - New Environment at Kentucky Asia Training and Technical Service Center in the United States

Source:chemtecone Published:2024-03-06 16:58:18 Number of hits: 2


Starting from January 1, 2014, our office has been relocated to Zhongshan Science and Technology Park, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. The address is Building 16, Botong Entrepreneurship Park, No. 420 Wangxin Road, Zhongshan Science and Technology Park, Liuhe District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province.

Welcome to visit and guide us!


Office area on the third floor of the training center


Office area on the third floor of the training center

Good things come in pairs. The ChemTec Asia Training and Service Center has also been officially opened since New Year's Day 2014!

The Kentucky Asia Training and Service Center (also known as the Condensed Stone Training Center) was jointly invested and constructed by our company and Kentucky Corporation of the United States. It was officially authorized and personally inspected by Mr. James W. Sist, President of Kentucky Corporation of the United States; The center will set up office areas, training bases, material testing, product development and other functional areas, and provide training, technical support, construction material procurement and other services to customers in Asia. The interior decoration of the center is exquisite and atmospheric, and all floors are protected by Kentec products, allowing customers to experience the perfect performance of Kentec products in practice with facts! Looking forward to your arrival!

New Year's new atmosphere, success upon arrival!


Third floor conference room


Activity Center of the Second Floor Engineering Department


Concrete mirror floor of the fourth floor exhibition hall


Concrete mirror floor of the fourth floor exhibition hall


President James's acceptance of warehouse safety and storage environment


Visit the fourth floor exhibition hall


Visit the fourth floor exhibition hall


Mr. James, President of Kentucky United States, and Construction Personnel of Solidstone Technology

