Warmly welcome Tencent to visit Kentucky (China) Operations Center in the United States for inspection!

Source:chemtecone Published:2024-03-06 16:58:18 Number of hits: 1

Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. was established in November 1998, jointly founded by five founders: Ma Huateng, Zhang Zhidong, Xu Chenye, Chen Yidan, and Zeng Liqing. It is one of the largest Internet integrated service providers in China and one of the Internet enterprises with the largest number of service users in China.

Tencent's diversified services include social and communication services such as QQ and WeChat/WeChat, social networking platform QQ Space, Tencent Games' QQ gaming platform, portal website Tencent, Tencent News client, and online video service Tencent Video.


Tencent leaders visit the exhibition hall of Kentucky (China) Operations Center in the United States


Tencent leaders visit the exhibition hall of Kentucky (China) Operations Center in the United States


Mr. Jin from Kentucky (China) Operations Center in the United States explains technical parameters to Tencent's leadership


Mr. Jin from Kentucky (China) Operations Center in the United States explains technical parameters to Tencent's leadership


Mr. Jin from Kentucky (China) Operations Center in the United States explains technical parameters to Tencent's leadership

Founded in November 1998, Tencent is one of the leading Internet value-added service providers in China. Since its establishment for more than 10 years, Tencent has always adhered to the business philosophy of "putting user value first", providing stable and high-quality services to a massive user base of billions, and has always been in a steady development state.

Tencent's mission is to improve the quality of human life through Internet services. Tencent regards "connecting everything" as its strategic goal, providing two core services: social platforms and digital content. Meet the needs of Internet users in terms of communication, information, entertainment and finance through China's leading network platforms such as instant messaging tools QQ, mobile social networking and communication services WeChat and WeChat, portal website Tencent (QQ. com), Tencent games, social networking platform QQ Space and so on. The development of Tencent has profoundly affected and changed the communication methods and living habits of hundreds of millions of Internet users, and has created a broader application prospect for China's Internet industry.

Facing the future, adhering to independent innovation, and establishing a national brand is Tencent's long-term development plan. More than 50% of Tencent's employees are R&D personnel, and it has a sound independent R&D system. It has a considerable number of patents in six major directions, including storage technology, data mining, multimedia, Chinese processing, distributed network, and wireless technology. The total number of patent applications and authorizations among global Internet enterprises is among the top.

Tencent's vision is to become the most respected Internet enterprise. Tencent has been actively participating in public welfare undertakings, striving to assume corporate social responsibility, and promoting online civilization. In 2006, Tencent established China's first Internet charity foundation - Tencent Charity Foundation, and established Tencent Public Welfare Network. Adhering to the purpose of "committed to public welfare and philanthropy, caring for the growth of young people, advocating corporate civic responsibility, and promoting social harmony and progress", Tencent embraces public welfare in every product and business, opens up the Internet, and advocates all enterprises to act together to create a new Internet public welfare ecology of "everyone can do public welfare, and people can participate" through the advantages of technology and communication in the Internet field.

